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Monday, September 23, 2013

Blank. Let's start over.

A blank page. That's what I came across when I opened up my blog today. I was hoping to find the post that took me all summer to write. It was hard to stay inside and finish it, especially since I had just quit my day job, which is what I was writing about. But it was blank, I had erased the draft, like I'd erased my job, and now I was starting from scratch.

 Quitting my day job was the best thing I could have done. For the past 14 months I had worked admin in an office, covering the usual exciting tasks like filing, data entering and invoicing...zzzz. It wasn't all bad, I did get to write our marketing materials and newsletter, but the majority of my work was uninspiring. Thankfully I had kept my job serving tables at a restaurant, so I wasn't falling in to poverty by quitting.

 I quit the office in July, my timing, while accidental, was perfect. Because I had the restaurant to keep me fed and housed, I was able to truly enjoy some free time. I took the summer off, besides my three shifts a week at the restaurant, I spent most of my time doing whatever I wanted. I read the paper every morning, I went swimming, I took tennis lessons, I went dancing, I camped up north, I called my sister more often.

 This wasn't a decision I came to quickly. I debated quitting for months, leaving behind benefits and a steady pay check was tough. But when I looked at the lengthy commute, the lack of free time and the poor health habits developed from office work, I just couldn't imagine falling deeper in to that routine. I even convinced management to change my role, but nothing seemed to inspire me about that environment, not even the bottle of wine I kicked back after work. Some people are just not made to work 9 to 5 under fluorescent lighting.

 As soon as I gave my notice a huge weight lifted off my shoulders, I knew I'd made the right choice. I wasn't happy, so I made a change, it was surprisingly as easy as that.

 Since I don't want to be a 40 year old waitress, I'm getting the starting blocks in place and preparing for my next step. Now that the summer has come to a close, I should probably get my shit together and work on a plan. In the meantime, I'm seeking out things that inspire me, and keeping my creative side happy. Free time is my happiness, even if I can't afford cable.


Joanne said...

What an inspiring piece! This is what you get when you blog from the heart :)...Who needs cable when you're happy! Very proud of you! xo

Emilia said...

Love it!!..I am so happy and proud of you. What a great way to celebrate your new phase in your life! xox..

Anonymous said...

God speed sis. It makes me happy to know you're listening to your heart and finding balance. You're one talented son of a gun - whatever you put your mind to is beautiful and impressive.

Aunty Norma said...

A great book for you: The Path, Creating your mission Statement for work and for life. After reading it, I gave copies away to people like you. Laurie Beth Jones is an Internationally known motivational speakers to Fortune 500 companies. In the book, there is a chapter with lists of words. You choose words from several concept and pages and you end up with YOUR mission statement in ONE sentence. Liza and Rachel got a copy before they went to college. Want me to mail you a copy?

Unknown said...

Good for you! Go find your happy girl!!!

Unknown said...
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