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Monday, January 6, 2014

These are not Resolutions

Resolutions are hard to follow so I have a list of Intentions to share instead.  Let's hope my word trickery works and these intentions have some staying power.

Intentions for 2014

Be good to yourself. You’re the most important person in your life. Love every part and you’ll be well equipped to love and accept others.  Apparently we have 2000 parts, that’s a lot of love.

Accept when shitty things happen to you, they are out of your control. Accept them and find something valuable in those moments.  Like getting fired - you hated that job anyway, and now you can sleep in.

Stop judging. It’s easy to find fault in people, try finding the best in them, even if it is the tiniest minutest part of that person.

Read more than 140 characters. There is a wealth of knowledge and inspiration out there that can’t be summed up.  Read a book by an author who spent years as a starving artist to bring you their story. Think of how hungry they must have been.

Laugh at yourself because you’re ridiculous. We're all ridiculous, with our crazy thoughts and emotional reactions. It’s pretty funny even when you’re trying to be serious.

Stop criticizing your every move. Perfection doesn’t exist.  Embrace your mistakes and accomplishments equally.  Plus mistakes make for great stories.

Write everyday. It doesn’t matter if it’s good; chances are it’s not.  All that matters is that you show up. Keep your pen to page or fingers to keyboard. (this one’s mostly for me)

Do more of what you love. Whether it's reading, running, skipping or jumping - do more of it. 

Don’t eat or go to sleep angry. Neither of these things are good for you. Find a way to calm down before you dive in to that meal or before you hit the pillow. Maybe hit the pillow a few times, that might calm you down.

Get outside everyday. Unless you live in Canada and it’s -30 C, or if there’s a Master Chef marathon on – also an excuse to stay in.

Don’t look for happiness in other people. They can share it but they can’t give it to you.  Find it within yourself.  Even if it is buried by pain and disappointment, it’s still there.  Dig deep, it’s in there, I saw it once.